Kai's Reader

Joy as a Force of Resistance and a Halo of Loss, with a Nick Cave Song and a Lisel Mueller Poem themarginalian.org
Join me at Interintellect overcomingbias.com
Rational Culture overcomingbias.com
Thoughts while watching myself be automated dynomight.net
I Feel Like People Are Plotting to Kill Me Every Minute of Every Day! freddiedeboer.substack.com
Hamas and Human Sacrifice samharris.substack.com
Audubon on Other Minds and the Secret Knowledge of Animals themarginalian.org
Policy ideas for a healthier America - The Next #57 justinmares.substack.com
You Don't Have to be a Try Guy freddiedeboer.substack.com
Writing while walking henrikkarlsson.xyz
On Liberality overcomingbias.com
Kipping on Grabby Aliens overcomingbias.com
From the Labor Camp to the Pantheon of Literature: How Dostoyevsky Became a Writer themarginalian.org
How to sync Mac and Linux /home sive.rs
Kamau & ZuZu Find a Way: A Tender Lunar Fable about the Stubborn Courage of Making the Impossible Possible themarginalian.org
Nursing doubts: Is breastfeeding good? dynomight.net
Letters to a Christian samharris.substack.com
Tutoring Undermines the Validity of GPA More Than the Validity of SAT Scores freddiedeboer.substack.com
UE5 Nanite in WebGPU github.com comments
OAuth from First Principles stack-auth.com comments
Phind-405B and faster, high quality AI answers for everyone phind.com comments
AlphaProteo generates novel proteins for biology and health research deepmind.google comments
Deploying Rust in Existing Firmware Codebases security.googleblog.com comments
Show HN: Feature Flags Backed by Git flipt.io comments
serverless-registry: A Docker registry backed by Workers and R2 github.com comments
Launch HN: Maitai (YC S24) – Self-Optimizing LLM Platform ycombinator.com comments
The 'Freakish Radio Writings' of 1924 centauri-dreams.org comments
Clojure 1.12.0 is now available clojure.org comments
Show HN: We built a FOSS documentation CMS with a pretty GUI kalmia.difuse.io comments
Show HN: AnythingLLM – Open-Source, All-in-One Desktop AI Assistant github.com comments
Report Details Interview of Georgia Suspect in Prior School Shooting Threat
The sheriff’s office report reveals more about how investigators were able to trace the online post to the teenager’s account, and why they could not definitively link it to him.
Suspect Claimed Online Threats Had Come From Hacked Account
The father of the Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he would be “mad as hell” if his son had made the threats, according to a transcript. “Then all the guns will go away.”
How Georgia’s Gun Laws Compare With Those of Other States
The state does not have universal background checks for gun purchases, safe storage laws or a so-called red-flag law — measures instituted elsewhere in response to gun violence.
Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty in Tax Case
The guilty plea now exposes President Biden’s son to a likely outcome that once seemed unthinkable: significant time behind bars.
Mayor Eric Adams Faces Crisis as U.S. Investigations Reach Inner Circle
As federal agents seize the phones of the mayor’s top aides, multiplying inquiries threaten to destabilize Mr. Adams’s ability to run New York City.
Woman in France Testifies Against Husband Accused of Bringing Men to Rape Her
Gisèle Pelicot spoke of the horror of being told by the police that they had evidence her husband had drugged her for years and brought men into their home to join him in raping her.
Trump Praises Tariffs, and William McKinley, to Power Brokers
In an address about the kind of economy he hopes to build for the 21st century, the former president harked back to the end of another century: the 19th.